Achieve your feeding goals with personalized support.

Our Services

  • For anyone who would like to receive support from the comfort of their own home, we bring our scale to you.

    • for parents who are exclusively breastfeeding/ bodyfeeding, exclusively pumping, exclusively formula feeding, and/or combination feeding

    • a full health history intake & screening for health conditions that could impact breastfeeding and/or milk supply (including breast/chest exam)

    • assessment of infant's reflexes, suck, & oral anatomy

    • weighted feed on highly sensitive scale

    • calculation of baby's exact intake needs based on age and weight

    • latch assessment & instruction re: proper latching technique and positioning

    • evaluation & management of:

      • nipple discomfort/pain

      • engorgement, plugged ducts, and mastitis

    • specific recommendations & support for low milk supply or oversupply

    • education re: pumping, bottle feeding/paced bottle feeding & milk storage

    • if applicable, information on tongue tie release and oral rehabilitation

      IMPORTANT: All home visits involve a travel fee, even if your home is in close proximity to our offices.

      Up to 75 minutes

  • For your convenience, we have offices located in various locations in Brooklyn and the Bronx.

    • for parents who are exclusively breastfeeding/ bodyfeeding, exclusively pumping, exclusively formula feeding, and/or combination feeding

    • a full health history intake & screening for health conditions that could impact breastfeeding and/or milk supply (including breast/chest exam)

    • assessment of infant's reflexes, suck, & oral anatomy

    • weighted feed on highly sensitive scale

    • calculation of baby's exact intake needs based on age and weight

    • latch assessment & instruction re: proper latching technique and positioning

    • evaluation & management of:

      • nipple discomfort/pain

      • engorgement, plugged ducts, and mastitis

    • specific recommendations & support for low milk supply or oversupply

    • education re: pumping, bottle feeding/paced bottle feeding & milk storage

    • if applicable, information on tongue tie release and oral rehabilitation

      IMPORTANT: Please schedule an office visit if you would like to avoid paying the travel fee.

      Up to 60 minutes

    • a full health history intake & screening for health conditions that could impact breastfeeding and/or milk supply (including breast/chest exam)

    • information & instruction on colostrum harvesting

    • Instruction re: proper latching technique & positioning

    • product recommendations re: feeding pillow, pump, & nipple cream, breast pump, etc.

    • overview of what to expect re: infant feeding (intake, poops & pees, etc.) in the first week post delivery

    • if applicable, information on induced lactation, etc.

      Up to 60 mins

Glass of pumped breast milk on a white background
    • for the feeding parent only: if baby is in the NICU or if returning to work

    • creation of a customized pumping plan

    • bottle recommendations

    • paced feeding instruction

    • techniques for overcoming bottle rejection

    • calculation of baby's exact intake needs based on age and weight

    • information on pumping, milk storage guidelines, etc.

    • if applicable, information on formula preparation, allergy information, and preferred brands.

      Up to 60 mins

“[My lactation consultant] had an exceptional ability to explain concepts clearly, and quickly identified my baby's issues…after our consultation, I felt a significant sense of relief. Her expertise and support were truly invaluable.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.